We are a home-based cottage nursery/display garden in Langley, specializing in hybridizing daylilies and hostas.
We started collecting daylilies and a multitude of other plants in 1987 on our newly-purchased bare one acre piece of land. Over the years, we have collected over 3,000 varieties of daylilies, 600 varieties of hosta and hundreds of other perennials and specimen trees, creating a national display garden for people to see. Our main focus has been on hybridizing for new and exciting daylilies and hostas to introduce to the world market. We host an open garden every summer as a fundraiser for various charities and also travel to speak at numerous garden clubs, shows and events. Our cottage nursery offers daylilies and hostas for sale that cannot be found anywhere else and new ones are added every year; we offer an email newsletter for gardeners with tips throughout the year; and have a Facebook page that is filled with pictures every day!